Search Requirements & Techniques
Graphic Presentation:
- Indexed Document Scan Type II:
Input Specification: Input must be in the form of alpha characters (A-Z) only. Any special characters including spaces in a search must be eliminated. As an example "O'Houlihan" should be entered as "OHoulihan", "San Marino" should be entered as "SanMarino", etc. Search information is not case-sensative.
Search Techniques: The search software will provide results of all complete AND partial matches of six characters or more. As an example, entering "MARCHE" will generate results for "MARCHE", "MARCHETTI", MARCHEGHI", etc. So to maximize the probability that a search gathers all pertinent data, minimizing your entry is helpful. Wildcards are not used.
Straight Text:
- Flat File Search II:
Input Specification: Input must be in the form of alpha-numeric characters (0-9,A-Z)only. Any special characters including spaces in a search must remain in your query . As an example "O'Houlihan" should be entered as "O'Houlihan", "San Marino" should be entered as "San Marino", etc. However in some cases special characters in text files are merely omitted. In this example then, "O'Houlihan" should be entered as "OHoulihan", "San Marino" should be entered as "SanMarino", etc. Search information is not case-sensative.
Search Techniques: The search software will provide results of all complete AND partial matches. As an example, entering "MARCHE" will generate "MARCHE", "MARCHETTI", MARCHEGHI", etc. So to maximize the probability that a search gathers all pertinent data, minimizing your entry is helpful. Wildcards are not used.
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